DO English 29/06

Are you making these mistakes?

Hello, DO English community!

Our mission is to elevate your English proficiency with insightful news, practical articles, and cultural insights.

Every section is meticulously designed to enhance your language skills and expand your horizons.

  • English Tips: Learn how to avoid confusing these words

  • News in English: Joe Biden and Donald Trump had their first live debate of 2024

  • Vocabulary Boost: Learn 5 essential words for business

  • Native phrase: Enhance your English knowledge with this phrase

English Tips

Commonly confused words

1. Then/Than

Then can mean at that time or next in time/space/order.

Example: She was still working there then.

Example: Let’s have pizza and then go to a movie.

Than is comparative.

Example: Joe is a little shorter than Anna.

2. Lose/Loose

Lose is a verb that can mean fail to win, misplace, or free oneself from something or someone.

Example: If I don’t run faster I’ll lose the race.

Example: I seem to lose my car keys every week!

Example: Morning muffins are a habit I’d like to lose.

Loose is an adjective that means not tight.

Example: After I cut muffins from my diet, I noticed that my pants were loose!

3. Confusing homophones.

Homophones (words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings) can catch us off guard, so be sure to double-check for them.


Their means belonging to them.

Example: The girls forgot to pack their lunches.

There indicates a place.

Example: Park your bike over there.

They’re is a contraction of “they are.”

Example: Alex and Sue are coming, but they’re running late.


To is a preposition that indicates direction.

Example: Let’s go to the park this afternoon.

To can also form infinitives.

Example: How long will it take you to finish that project?

Too means “also.” It’s also used as an intensifier.

Example: Nick wanted to go along, too. Unfortunately, he had too many chores to finish.


Your means “belonging to you.”

Example: You left your coffee cup on top of your car.

You’re is a contraction of “you are.”

Example: You’re going to be cranky without your dose of caffeine.

News In English

Trump vs Biden Presidential Debate

On Thursday night, the 46th president of the United States, the Democrat Joe Biden, and the 45th president of the United States, the Republican Donald Trump, had their first live television debate of 2024. Joe Biden struggled in the debate, causing Democrats to express concern at his performance. Trump repeatedly attacked Biden on the economy and his foreign policy record, while Biden took aim at his rival's criminal conviction and alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Both insulted each other, as Biden called Trump a "sucker", a "loser," and said he had the "morals of an alley cat" and Trump questioned Biden’s mental ability. Trump seemed to do better in the debate, but there will be another before the election in November.

5 Essential Business words

  • Revenue: The money a company makes from selling its products or services.

  • Profit: The money a company has left after it pays all its costs.

  • Market: The place or area where people buy and sell goods and services.

  • Strategy: A plan to achieve long-term goals in business.

  • Negotiation: A discussion where people talk to reach an agreement that benefits everyone.

Native Phrase

Hit the nail on the head

Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem; to be exactly right about something.

Example Sentence: "When Sarah said that the project's delay was due to poor communication, she really hit the nail on the head."

Thank you for reading :)

See you next week!

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